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Baby Language and Conceptual Knowledge Study (BLoCKS)
co-Is Evelyne Mercure (Goldsmiths), Nadja Althaus (UEA) & Marie Smith (Birkbeck)
We are actively searching for families with children, hearing or deaf. We encourage parents, deaf or hearing, with deaf or hearing infants, to let us know your interest.
This ESRC funded project investigates the two way interaction between language acquisition and conceptual development.
We have 3 research aims:
to develop better measures of category knowledge in pre-verbal (or non-verbal) children
to understand how language guides category learning
to understand the impact that reduced access to language has on conceptual development, in particular, and cognitive development, in general, in deaf infants born to hearing families
See the video to learn more about what a typical study visit looks like!

PublicationsOur first publication will appear here soon!
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